We finished the prototype of our website and implement into html&css. We have done a user-testing with Mother's Matter Centre. Although we have received positive feedback from the visual style, the narrative and the interaction, we still got some feedback and suggestions. For example, they have suggested us to add a transition from our website to Mother's Matter Centre donation website. Also, we need to add visual cues to interactions that have hover stage. We also plan the flow of our presentation slides.
Mother's Matter's user testing questionnaire
I have found the images of each part of the story and done the mock-up of the whole website. Continue the visual style, I used black as the main theme of the darkened house and with the user's help the house will be lightened. I have also done an Invision prototype to show the interaction of the website to the interview participants. After the user testing, I have focused on the presentation slides. We have work on few days about the presentation flow, design and how we show our demo. After we showed Marek, he had suggested a few feedback on our presentation.
Kristine (Developing part)
I also did a user testing with an SFU student W(his initial)who is from a single parent family. I got an overall good feedback. However, I found he didn’t realized the white circle is interactive. So we are going to add a click icon when the first circle appears.
student W's usertesting questionnaire
For the developing part, I continued developing from last week progress. I finished the scrolling transition from part to part of the story. I finished the story part programming. However, it is just functioning on scrolling down( it has some bugs on scrolling up)
Next week, I will make the animation smoother and fix the current bugs. I will also develop the donation impact page
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