Week 10


For this week, We have both focused on the narrative and website content. Before written the version out, we have organized the flow, the background and the structure of the story and group it as a document. Based on the narrative structure, we have written a version of the narrative on the document and decided to get some assistance from narrative professionals to edit our narrative.


Except for the narrative, as I mentioned last week I have created a few versions of data visualizations, so this week, I have refined the user testing questionnaire and will receive feedback of the questionnaire during class. I also working on the responsive design of the website, so people can also access through mobile phone or tablet. We found that the donation impact would be difficult to show on mobile devices, therefore, we are planning to change the impact of donations into a list for users to learn the impact. For next week, I am aiming to finish all the responsive design, receive feedback for our data visualization and assist on front-end development.


This week, I am working on donation impact page on both front-end and back-end.
I have insert data of the donation impact into the database. When user click on a single house, the house will change from black-and-white to color and the donation impact paragraph, as well as its related image, will pop-out. I used ajax to send the house id to phpmyadmin and use that house_id to query the donation impact data from database.

donation impact table

use ajax to send data to php and use php to query the data from database

After click one house, the house will be enlighted. The donation impact paragraph will show as well


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